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APEC Climate Symposium 2011

  • 프로그램

  • 발표자료

  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : symposium is Harnessing and Using Climate Information for Decision Making
  • 기간 : 17 - 20 October 2011
  • 장소 : East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA
  • 주관 : International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) of University of Hawaii

APEC Climate Symposium 2011

The APEC Climate Symposium (APCS) is an annual event, held since 2005, that brings together around 100 scientists, representatives of National Hydrological and Meteorological Services, academics, policy-makers and students from around the world to discuss emerging issues in climate prediction and its applications. The APEC Climate Symposium 2011 was held in Honululu, Hawaii, USA from October 17-20, 2011. The theme of the symposium is Harnessing and Using Climate Information for Decision Making, co-hosted by the International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) of University of Hawaii. 

Period & Venue

17 - 20 October 2011 / East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA

Session I: Keynote Presentations

Chaired by Vladimir Kattsov, Director of Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Russia

  • • Prof. Rosina Bierbaum (Dean and Professor of School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, USA)​
  •  Keynote Presentation Title : Adaptation to Climate Change: A rich and timely agenda


  • • Prof. Jagadish Shukla (President, Institute of Global Environment and Society & Professor of Earth Sciences and Global Change, George Mason University, USA)​
  •  Keynote Presentation Title : Prospects for Continental Scale Decadal Prediction


  • • Prof. In-Sik Kang (Professor of School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, USA)​
  •  Keynote Presentation Title : Attempts of Cloud Microphysics in a GCM


  • • Prof. Bin Wang (Professor of International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii, USA)​
  •  Keynote Presentation Title : The Pulse of the Western North Pacific Subtropical High


  • • Mr. Neil Plummer (Assistant Director, Climate Information Services, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)​
  •  Keynote Presentation Title : Engaging Decision-makers in Climate Predictions for Agriculture, Water Resource Management and Energy


Session II: Updates on Climate Prediction Systems of the Asia-Pacific

Chaired by Dr. Antonio Navarra from Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change, Italy & Prof. Yihui Ding from China Meteorological Administration, China

  • • Dr. Oscar Alves (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)​
  •  Presentation Title : The New POAMA2 Seasonal and Multi-week System


  • • Dr. Jae-Kyung Schemm (Climate Prediction Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA)​
  •  Presentation Title : Recent Implementation of the NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2


  • • Dr. Siegfried Schubert (Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA)​
  •  Presentation Title : An Update on Experimental Climate Prediction and Analysis Products Being Developed at NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office


  • • Dr. Jyh-Wen Hwu (Central Weather Bureau, Chinese Taipei)​
  •  Presentation Title : Performance of CWB-CFSv1 during 2010 and the Development Status of CWB-CFSv2


  • • Dr. Michael Tippett (International Research Institute for Climate and Society, USA)​
  •  Presentation Title : Recent Changes to the IRI Net Assessment


  • • Dr. Antonio Navarra (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy)​
  •  Presentation Title : Seasonal and Decadal Predictions at CMCC


  • • Dr. Kazutoshi Onogi (Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan)​
  •  Presentation Title : Outline of Operational Seasonal Forecast Model in JMA and the JRA-55 Reanalysis


  • • Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang (National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecastings, Vietnam)​
  •  Presentation Title : Two Monsoon Indices and their Relationship to Seasonal Rainfall Predictability in Viet Nam


  • • Dr. Bertrand Denis (Meteorological Service of Canada, Canada)​
  •  Presentation Title : The New Canadian Coupled Multi-seasonal Forecasting System


  • • Dr. Zhaohui Lin (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)​
  •  Presentation Title : Assessing the Seasonal Predictability of Summer Precipitation over the Huaihe River Basin with Multiple APCC Models


  • • Dr. Rongcai Ren (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)​
  •  Presentation Title : Linkage of the Lagged Winter Stratospheric Circulation Anomalies to Leading ENSO Forcing


  • • Dr. Lijuan Chen (China Meteorological Administration, China)​
  •  Presentation Title : Development of a Downscaling Method in China Regional Summer Precipitation Prediction


  • • Mr. Ji-Won Kim (APEC Climate Center, Korea)​
  •  Presentation Title : Changes in East Asian Winter Monsoon due to the Effect of the ENSO-PDO Interaction


  • • Dr. Saji Hameed (University of Aizu, Japan)​
  •  Presentation Title : Self-Organizing Maps – An alternative method for studying climate variability


  • • Dr. Lorenz Magaard (University of Hawaii, USA)​
  •  Presentation Title : Climate Prediction: Blessing or Curse?


Session III: Climate Change and Interdecadal Climate Prediction

Chaired by Dr. Hariharasubramanian Annamalai from International Pacific Research Center, USA & Dr. Oscar Alves from Bureau of Meteorology in Australia

  • • Dr. Vladimir Kattsov (Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Russia)​
  •  Presentation Title : Assessment of Macroeconomic Impacts of Climate Change over the Territory of Russian Federation until 2030 and Beyond


  • • Dr. Flaviana Hilario (The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, Philippines)​
  •  Presentation Title : Climate Change Projections in the Philippines


  • • Dr. James Renwick (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand)​
  •  Presentation Title : Scenarios for Drought and Extreme Winds over New Zealand


  • • Mr. Sai-Ming Lee  (Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong China)​
  •  Presentation Title : The Latest Climate Change in Hong Kong


  • • Prof. Cheng-Ta Chen (National Taiwan Normal University, Chinese Taipei)​
  •  Presentation Title : Regionalization of Future Projections on the High-Impact Weather and Climate Extremes over East Asia


  • •  Dr. Ok-Yeon Kim (APEC Climate Center, Korea)​
  •  Presentation Title : A Projection of Future Changes in Annual and Seasonal Extreme Temperature Events in the Asia-Pacific Region using AOGCMs


  • •  Prof. Yihui Ding (China Meteorological Administration, China)​
  •  Presentation Title : A projection of future changes in summer precipitation and monsoon in East Asia


  • • Dr. Hariharasubramanian Annamalai (International Pacific Research Center, USA)​
  •  Presentation Title : Understanding Monsoon Variability in a Changing Climate


  • • Dr. Shang-Ping Xie (International Pacific Research Center, USA)​
  •  Presentation Title : Dynamics of Regional Climate Change


  • • Dr. Qing Bao (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)​
  •  Presentation Title : Projected Changes of East Asian Summer Monsoon in IAP Coupled Model FLOGALS2-s


  • • Dr. Tim Li (International Pacific Research Center, USA)​
  •  Presentation Title : Projected Future Changes of the Global Monsoon and Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity


Session IV: Climate and Agriculture Workshop: The Climate Risk Management Game

Facilitated by Prof. Holger Meinke from University of Tasmania, Australia and co-facilitated by Dr. Melissa Finucane from East West Center, USA, Dr. Alberto Troccoli from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Australia, Dr. Robert Field from NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA, and Dr. Jin-Ho Yoo from APEC Climate Center

  • • Prof. Holger Meinke (University of Tasmania, Australia)​
  •  Facilitating Material : Climate Information for Adaptation Science in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management


  • [Poster Presentation]
  • • Ms. Ana Liza Solmoro Solis (Australian National University, Australia)​
  •  Title : Forecasting the Number of Dry Days for the Benefit of Farmers and Rice Production in the Philippines: A preliminary analysis


  • • Dr. S. Senthilnathan (International Pacific Research Center, USA)​
  •  Title : Socio-economic Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production in Southern India and Assessing Uncertainties in Regional Climate Model Projections


  • • Mr. Fierra Setyawan (Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency, Indonesia)​
  •  Title : HyBMG a Statistical PC-Based Climate Model: Bridging a Gap between High Technologies Required - Providing High Resolution Climate Prediction in Sub Provinces Scales


  • • Ms. Indah Budiani (Climate Change Trust Fund, Indonesia)​
  •  Title : Improving Livelihood of Farmer through Climate Field School by Utilizing Climate Information


  • • Dr. Robert Field  (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA)​
  •  Title : The Need for a Fire and Haze Early Warning System for Equatorial Southeast Asia


  • • Mr. Antoyo Setyadipratikto  (Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency, Indonesia)​
  •  Title : Dry Period Analysis for Determination of Dry Season in the District of Indramayu West Java Indonesia


  • • Dr. Rogelio Cosio  (Pampanga Agricultural College, Philippines)​
  •  Title : Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change of the Guagua and Candaba Communities in Central Luzon, Philippines


Session V. US-Korea Workshop on Use of High Resolution Model for ISI Prediction of Extreme Events and Its Regional Impacts and Climate Variability and Change

Chaired by Dr. Emilia Jin from Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, Republic of Korea​ & Dr. Siegfried Schubert from Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA

  • • Dr. Emilia Jin (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, Republic of Korea​)​
  •  Presentation Title : US-Korea Workshop Overview


  • • Dr. Vijay Tallapragada  (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA, USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : High Resolution Tropical Cyclone Forecasting using NCEP Operational HWRF


  • • Prof. Myong-In Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea​)​
  •  Presentation Title : Tropical Storm Simulations Using a High-Resolution GCM


  • • Dr. Julia Maganello  (Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, GMU, USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : The Role of Horizontal Resolution in Simulating Tropical Cyclone Activity with the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System


  • • Dr. Young-Kwon Lim  (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : High-resolution NASA GEOS5 Model for Simulating Mean and Extreme Climate Characteristics


  • • Dr. Yoo-Geun Ham (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : Improvement of Seasonal Forecasts with Inclusion of Tropical Instability Waves on Initial Conditions


  • • Dr. Xiouhua Fu (International Pacific Research Center, USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : Experimental Intraseasonal Forecasting of Monsoon and Tropical Cyclones


  • • Dr. Yanju Liu (National Climate Center, Chinese Meteorological Administration, China​)​
  •  Presentation Title : Relationship between the Meiyu over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basins and the Frequencies of Tropical Cyclone Genesis in the Western North Pacific


  • • Dr. June-Yi Lee (International Pacific Research Center, USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : Multi-model Ensemble Coupled Prediction for Monsoon Precipitation (Mean State and Intraseasonal to Seasonal Prediction)


  • • Dr. Jae N. Lee  (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : MISR Cloud/Aerosol and their Variability through ENSO


  • • Dr. Hiroki Tokinaga (International Pacific Research Center, USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : A Long Consistent Surface Wind Dataset for Climate Change Analysis: Application over the Tropical Indo-Pacific


  • • Prof. Jian Liu (Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)​
  •  Presentation Title : Causes of Global Precipitation Change over the Last Millennium


  • • Dr. Oliver Elison Timm (International Pacific Research Center, USA​)​
  •  Presentation Title : Future Climate Change in Hawaii


Session VI. Climate and Water Resource Management Workshop

Facilitated by Mr. Mark Svoboda from National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA



  • • Mr. Mark Svoboda (National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA​​)​
  •  Presentation Title : Decision Support for Drought Risk Management: Focus on the Future


  • • Mr. Neil Plummer (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia) ​
  •  Presentation Title : Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts: Assisting decision-making in water resource management


  • • Prof. Thomas Giambelluca  (University of Hawaii, USA) ​
  •  Presentation Title : Challenges for Projecting Future Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in Hawai’i


  • • Prof. Hee-Kyung Park  (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea) ​
  •  Presentation Title : Adaptation Practices of Urban Water Infrastructure Management


  • • Ms. Lam Vu Thanh Noi (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand) ​
  •  Presentation Title : Assessment of Vulnerabilities to Climate Change for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Management in Viet Nam: A Case Study of Ho Chi Minh City


  • • Ms. Daisy Ortega (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, Philippines) ​
  •  Presentation Title : Vulnerability of Water Resource to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Philippines: The 2007-2008 La Nina and 2009-2010 El Nino Impacts on Angat Dam

Session VII. Climate and Energy Workshop

Facilitated by Dr. Alberto Troccoli from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Austraila



  • • Dr. Alberto Troccoli  (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Austraila) ​
  •  Presentation Title : Weather and Climate Impacts on Energy Planning, Operations & Maintenance


  • • Dr. Ines Azevedo  (Engineering and Public Policy Department, Carnegie Mellon University, USA) ​
  •  Presentation Title : The Importance of Climate Data for Energy Efficiency Investments


  • • Dr. Alberto Troccoli  (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Austraila) ​
  •  Facilitating Materials : Climate and Energy Workshop


  •  Facilitating Materials : Water Dam Management using Climate Forecasts


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