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Directions to APCC from Busan Railway Station and Gimhae International Airport

도보 아이콘

1. From Busan Railway Station

  • Take the subway bound for Nopo Station
  • Transfer to Busan Metro Line 2 and take the subway bound for Jangsan station
  • Get off at Centum city station and exit the station through Exit No.8
  • Take a taxi and ask the driver to go to the APEC Climate Center or show the following address in Korean;
    APEC기후센터 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀7로 12
airplane icon

2. From Gimhae International Airport

  • Airport limousine buses heading to Haeundae run every 30 minutes from 04:40 to 22:00 (Bus fare ₩7,000)
  • Take the limousine bus to Haeundae and get off at Bexco station
  • Take a taxi and ask the driver to go to the APEC Climate Center or show the following address in Korean (Taxi fare ₩4,000);
    APEC기후센터 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀7로 12