1The APEC Climate Center (APCC) is domestically and internationally leading the climate prediction technology development to increase the accuracy and reliability of climate prediction information by using state-of-the-art technologies, while at the same time conducting research and development (R&D) on the analysis and prediction technology for global climate change. APCC was established by the endorsement of 21 APEC members in 2005 as a worldwide climate prediction institute serving as a hub for climate information in the Asia-Pacific region.
APCC produces and provides accurate and reliable climate prediction information based on analysis using a Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) scheme. For the MME system, APCC collects climate prediction data from the 15 leading climate prediction centers and institutes in 11 economies.
Vision and Goals
Becoming a world-class climate prediction research institute serving as a hub for climate information in the Asia-Pacific region
APCC, Korea’s sole institute in charge of climate prediction only, is supporting sustainable growth in the Asia-Pacific region by developing core technology for climate prediction and securing the leading climate prediction technology for climate crisis response.
climate prediction information and extreme
climate monitoring and analysis
technology and its utilization plan
improvement in the area of climate prediction
and utilization
international organizations such as APEC