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International Projects

The APEC Climate Center provides climate prediction data and transfer related technologies to countries or economies in the Asia-Pacific region to respond to and adapt to climate change. In addition, we are carrying out various cooperative projects so that countries that require climate information can flexibly respond to problems on their own and achieve sustainable development. We are also working with various international organizations to exchange expertise for the development of climate science and collaborate through projects to analyze extreme climate phenomena and to their impacts.

International Projects
Year Project Title Region Host Partners Funding Sources
2021-2026 GCF-FP147 Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for Resilience in 5 Island Countries of the Pacific Ocean Under implementation Cook Islands, Niue, Palau, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu UNEP APCC, BoM, IFRC, NOAA, NIWA, SPC, SPREP, UH GCF
2018-2023 GCF-FP035 Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Plannning in VanuatuUnder implementation Vanuatu SPREP APCC, BoM, CSIRO, VMGD, DARD GCF
2018-2019 Improved Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Trends on Crop Production Systems and Food Security in Asia Asia-Pacific APCC FAO FAO
2017-2023 Development of seasonal-climate-forecast-based global forecasting system of crop yield variability and crop forecast information service for world food agencies Global APCC, NARO-NIAES, Japan   -
2017-2018 Climate Scenario Downscaling Data Provision for ’Action on Climate Change in South Asia’ project by ADB South Asia APCC ADB -
2017 Development of a Drought Forecasting Model for Fiji based on Remote Sensing and Long-Range Forecsat Data  Fiji APCC FMS -
2016-2018 Development of a Smart Water Management System using Climate Information to Mmitigate Water Shortage in the Kingdom of Tonga Tonga APCC MLSNR, MAFFF, TMS -
2016-2017 Enhancing Resilience to Extreme Climate Events: Lessons Learned from the 2015-2016 El Nino Event in Asia and the Pacific  Asia-Pacific UNDP UNESCAP, UNOCHA, RIMES, APCC UNDP
2016-2017 Improved seasonal forecasts in Tonga during austral winter season through APCC MME seasonal prediction Tonga APCC TMS -
2016-2017 ASEAN Science-Based DIsaster Management Platform ASEAN Members APCC AHA Centre ROK-ASEAN Project Fund
2014-2017 ROK-PIC Climate Prediction Services Project 14 Pacific Islands SPREP Met Services from 14 Islands ROK-PIF Cooperation Fund
2014-2017 Improving Agricultural Productivity in Tonga through Ensuring Data Availability and Enhancing Agro-Meteorological Services Tonga APCC TMS -
2013-2014 Assessing Rice Productivity and Adaptation Strategies for Southeast Asia under Climate Change through Multi-Scale Crop Modeling Cambodia APCC Korea Univ., CARDI -
2012-2015 Toward a Fire and Haze Early Warning System for Southeast Asia Indonesia APCC, NASA, Aizu Univ, Columbia Univ. BMKG, LAPAN, DoF, MMD, ASEAN SMC APN
2009-2011 Application of Seasonal Forecasts to Predict the Electricity Demand in Japan Japan APCC CRIEPI -