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APEC Climate Center Outreach Program

APEC Climate Center supports technology transfer based on high technology, an international network, and a variety of education programs for developing economy. Through this support, we want to contribute to the development of APEC member economies’ climate change response and adaptation ability, as well as to sustainable development.

Support · Educational · Training programs for developing economies

Support · Educational · Training programs for developing economies consist of one week lectures and working experience. We invite research officials (long-term climate prediction and climate change response fields) from developing countries that are in need of human resources and technical infrastructure. Through this program, APCC would like to decrease the knowledge gap among the APEC member economies by spreading the climate prediction technique and the know-how of climate information application.

APEC기후 심포지엄 연도별 운영현황 표
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
68 pax from 18 economies 135 pax from 26 economies 142 pax from 35 economies 94 pax from 4 economies 18 pax from Korea
Young Scientist Support Project (YSSP)

APEC Climate Center is facilitating YSSP to strengthen the Asia-Pacific developing economies’ abilities in climate science, and to set up a cooperation network for future joint research. After inviting young scientists from developing economies, APCC creates a research environment for scientists to research effectively in a given period. During this time, an APCC researcher steps into a mentor role.

APEC기후 심포지엄 연도별 운영현황 표
Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
The Number of Participants 11 8 13 7 9
Participated counties Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, etc. 7 countries Indonesia, Mongol, Madagascar, etc. 5 countries Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, etc. 11 countries Philippines, Indonesia, Chile, etc. 6 countries Niue, Tuvalu, Kiribati, etc. 8 countries